Just Pretend

I was in the kitchen cooking and my amazing boys were running around pretending to be super heroes. My 5 yrs old leading and my 2 yr old doing every single thing his brother does or says.

They were both pretending to be the famous Buzz Light Year from the Toy Story Series. They passed by every now and then reciting Buzz’s favorite phrase; “Buzz Light Year, to the rescue!” Every now and then they got my attention and all I needed to do was to simply smile or acknowledge them somehow.

Then my 5yr old dashed into the kitchen and said the phrase again but this time he added, ‘is there any emergency?’ I was still trying to decide what to say when he added: ‘Just pretend’ then I knew I just needed to play along.

I quickly made up an emergency situation: “my cat is stuck on the tree”. Oh that no problem, He said, climbing the imaginary tree, my little Hero rescued the cat, gave her back to me and saved the day. And of course the 3 of us had a celebratory shout. And they dashed back into the hallway for more emergency situations.

After they left I could not get the phrase”just pretend” off my mind. And then I know I needed to write this article.

We all learn to pretend from very early ages and we get abundant opportunities to do it hence, we do it so well. In fact, millions of people make fortunes pretending. The film industry is a multimillion dollar industry today because we are amused by looking at someone that has mastered the act of pretending. I cannot count the number of time I have cried watching a movie. As long as the acting is good and I am able to feel the story, I cry. Sometimes when watching a good movie alone, with no distraction, I might even wail. This happened to me while watching the Courageous movie for the first time-good movie.

However, as we watch other people pretending we tend to do the same. We try to show only what we think others will find interesting and cover the rest which most times is our true self. Can you count how many times you have pretended not to be sad, angry, anxious or sick?

For instance there are things you might not fully understand about God, but you just pretend to be knowledgeable, you will get by and even others will hail you for it. So many jokes you don’t understand, but if you just pretend you do, in order not to look stupid in public.

You will save yourself a heart break if you don’t pretend to be enjoying real love from the guy you are hanging out with, pretending to others that he is crazy about you though He maltreats you. Don’t stay in a relationship to impress others. Are you impressed?

Don’t pretend to care about nature just to get her to love you. Be yourself and you will be glad that if she falls in love with the ‘boring you’ she will never fall out of love later on. Pretending requires more of your time and energy. You need some to plan what to do and then another to do. But if you are real, you simply need to naturally be. Don’t waste your life thinking about. Don’t alter your personality to suit another person.

You will be surprised that the people you are trying to please are not so concerned about you but themselves. So why waste your God given personality and become another? You can be real and you can be you.

Before each action, especially when dealing with people, ask yourself this question: Why am I doing this? And then try to find the answer. You might not find it easy at first but it will change over time. After many attempts it will become part of your subconscious to not do things just to get other people to acknowledge you.

Don’t pretend, be sincere. Be real with your spouse, children, friends and family….Be real with yourself.



Increase your own pay

What is the difference between the guy that is paid $8/hr and the one that is paid $100/hr? You got it right – It’ s the value of their skills. If you have a skill that everybody has, you will be paid minimum wage. If you imporve yourself and you differentiate yourslef from the crowd by having superior skills, you will be valued more and you will find someone who will be willing to pay your more for your valueable skills. Here is a list of 10 ways that you can use to improve your value.

  1. Read a lot; especially personal development books – This is one of the least expensive ways of acquiring new skills. There are many books, videos, ebooks that one can read on virtually any topic. Make it a habit to regularly read, listen to or watch something that can help you do what you do better or help you learn something new that will contribute to being better skilled.
  2. Take a course
  3. Practice
  4. Listen to people that are ahead of you
  5. Help others to develop
  6. Try new things
  7. Find people who are interested in the skills you have
  8. Concentrate on developing your strengths
  9. Learn inter-personal skill
  10. Be open to criticisms

33 Life Principles that have helped me

How you can make maximum impact. Here are some of the principles that I have been developing for my life over the years. Some of the principles listed here are still work in progress but I believe you will be able to pick one or two things from here. I have just written these straight from my heart and I know it would need some explanations and editing but I just feel like presenting the raw form of it for now.

  1. Every person must aim to live at the peak of their potentials. It is important to make sure that once you discover a way of living that will make you more useful that you follow that path as soon as possible.
  2. The World needs real, authentic people who will show that even though all humans have weaknesses, God has made a way to restore humans to Gods original plan for us.
  3. It takes courage to face the challenges of life, face the criticisms of the skeptics and yet keep focused on the word of God and be adamant that you will make a difference in your community.
  4. If you do not determine to make a difference, you will struggle all your life to be fulfilled and you may not be fulfilled. Lots of money may help you to make some difference but what the world needs is not more money but more love. More of God’s kind of unconditional love.
  5. Money, fame, power would come your way if you determine to make a difference, but you must never allow any of these to become the goal. The goal is to show the world that God loves them and to to show this perfecting love in action.
  6. But first you must re-position yourself for maximum impact
  7. You must move from a position of little or negative impact to a position of maximum impact.
  8. You can only make maximum impact in your domain. Your domain is your primary area of greatness and positive influence. It seems to be programmed in your DNA.
  9. If you locate your area of influence and work hard on it without truly connecting with God, you will make an impact but the impact may not be the maximum impact.
  10. There are millions of people all over the world who have never discovered their area of maximum impact and have lived far below their maximum potentials.
  11. Millions of people leave their homes everyday to work at jobs that limit them. I have made up my mind never to add to this number.
  12. Jesus says you (Christians) are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. You have a lot to offer. However, if you are not well positioned, your light will not make the necessary impact.
  13. Proverbs says that a poor man’s wisdom is despised. You need to realize that if you don’t seem to be benefiting from this relationship with God, people will wonder why they should listen to you.
  14. Having faith in God through Jesus Christ may be hard at times but you must stay committed to what you have discovered to be true.
  15. Determine that you will never turn back.
  16. Locate your area of strength.
  17. Develop your area of strength and find people who are strong in your area of weakness to help you.
  18. Be committed to helping other people develop their strengths.
  19. If you fall today, rise up and try again.
  20. Always be objective. If its dead, bury it and go on.
  21. If it’s not dead – don’t give up.
  22. Cultivate solid relationships that compliment your purpose and that help your purpose.
  23. Discard anything in your life that has a negative impact on your life and the life of other people.
  24. Replace bad habits with good ones.
  25. Make the people around you feel like kings and queens by celebrating their strengths and complimenting their weaknesses.
  26. Learn to receive help from people who want to help you. Accepting help enables people around you to shine and to contribute to your success.
  27. Try never to leave people the way you met them. Endeavor to pray for everyone that you meet (in your heart) and let them see the love of God in you.
  28. Never blame anyone for your failures. Always think of a better way to do things to avoid similar results. I find that if you think clearly, you will always learn from your failures. Once you learn from it, it’s no longer a failure but a learning experience.
  29. Do not be in a hurry to get to the “promised land”. Celebrate every progress and continue to move forward. Never look back. Remember Mrs Lot.
  30. Always evaluate. Check over and over to see if you are still moving forward or moving in circles. Many people start out well but then they end up badly because they lost focus on the way.
  31. Be brutally honest with yourself. If you are a thief say “.. I am a thief. it’s bad to be a thief. I will stop being a thief from now on.” Do not engage in the folly of deceiving yourself. If you are a complete failure in music, admit it and find what you are excellent in. The earlier you start looking the better.
  32. Don’t spend all your time trying to be excellent at what you are naturally poor at. Rather improve on your strengths and do the best to find people who will complement you.
  33. Always enjoy your life as it is now, and as life gets better with you, enjoy the more.